HALLDE Combi Cutters

Processes 80 portions/day and 2 kg/minute
Duty cycle: 360kg per day
Bowl: 3 litres gross volume and 1.4 litres net volume

CC-32S is our entry-level combi cutter that is both a vegetable preparation machine and a vertical cutter. It is a table top model designed for small and mid-size kitchens.

  • Low weight and handles for easy mobility
  • Wide range of cutting tools that can slice, shred, grate, cut julienne and waffle vegetables, fruits, dry bread, cheese, nuts, mushrooms, etc.
  • The vertical cutting attachment can chop and grind meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc.
  • It blends and mixes all sorts of sauces, soups and dressings
  • Machine base robustly made of BPA-free ABS plastic and the knife chamber in aluminium, with an ergonomic user-friendly design
  • Designed for restaurants, kindergarten, care homes, canteens, hotels, catering and café/bars
  • 2 speeds; 500 rpm low speed veg prep attachment and 1,450 rpm high speed vertical cutter blender
  • Patented three arm scraper system
  • Easy to clean – all loose parts and the cutting tools can be washed in a dishwasher
  • Cutting tools are made in stainless steel and can cut soft and hard products in every shape and size imaginable
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Processes 80 portions/day and 2 kg/minute
Duty cycle: 360kg per day
Bowl: 3 litres gross volume and 1.4 litres net volume

CC-34 is a combi cutter that is both a vegetable preparation machine and a vertical cutter. It is a table top model designed for small and mid-size kitchens with the highest demands on cutting performance.
  • Low weight and handles for easy mobility
  • Wide range of cutting tools that can slice, dice, shred, grate, cut julienne and waffle vegetables, fruits, dry bread, cheese, nuts, mushrooms, etc.
  • The vertical cutting attachment can chop and grind meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc.
  • It blends and mixes all sorts of sauces, soups and dressings
  • Machine base robustly made of BPA-free ABS plastic and the knife chamber in aluminium, with an ergonomic user-friendly design
  • Designed for restaurants, kindergarten, care homes, canteens, hotels, catering and café/bars
  • 4 speeds and pulse function; 500/800 rpm low speed veg prep attachment and 1,450/2,650 rpm high speed vertical cutter blender
  • Patented three arm scraper system
  • Easy to clean – all loose parts and the cutting tools can be washed in a dishwasher
  • Cutting tools are made in stainless steel and can cut soft and hard products in every shape and size imaginable
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CC-34 - Care
CC-34 - Care
Processes 80 portions/day and 2 kg/minute
Duty cycle: 360kg per day
Bowl: 3 litres gross volume and 1.4 litres net volume

Hallde's CC-34 is 3 machines in one; a veg prep machine, food processor and blender.

Perfect for care homes up to 80 residents, plus up to 10 residents needing texture modified meals.

This special package includes an IDDSI compliance pack, cutting tools and accessories designed for care homes.

  • IDDSI level 3 and 4 in the bowl
  • IDDSI level 5 minced and moist using the pulse function
  • IDDSI level 6 soft and bite sized prior to cooking veg, using 15x15x15mm dice set

Free onsite 12 months warranty and UK support.
Free onsite training
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